
Political Rants

This category contains 3 posts

The Great American Stereotypes

Given how my occasional tangents into politics are often dark and brooding, I’m going to discuss something more positive and upbeat today, all while still taking underhanded jabs at people I don’t know and offending most viewers. Then again, today’s topic isn’t so much “political” as it is demographic or cultural. Given how much of … Continue reading

America’s Reckoning: The Rise of Nativist Populism

My review of Paul Thomas Anderson’s 2007 magnum opus, There Will Be Blood, interpreted that film’s thematic premise as the conquering of American social, religious conservatism by American fiscal conservatism and the American financial elite. At the risk of spoiling a fantastic film, Daniel Day-Lewis’ protagonist, Daniel Plainview, a wealthy oil baron depicted as one … Continue reading

Je Suis Charlie: Some men just want to watch the world burn…

In light of the most recent attacks on French cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo for what was most likely “retaliation” for parodies of religious figures throughout the years, I decided to write one last post summarizing my thoughts on this sort of violence against artistic expression and free speech. The matter of whether or not we … Continue reading
